
Susinere’s commodities from agroforestry

Sustinere uses a practice of reforestation commonly known as agroforestry, which combines tree plantations with agricultural and medicinal products. This multi-species and multi-crop form of plantation has many benefits. The trees often protect the food crops from weather events and pests. The soil quality is enriched because of the biodiversity of tree and plant species, which leads to more nutritious food crops. It is also a technique that leads to greater yields from agriculture over a longer time period, making it a sustainable development solution.

The practice of agroforestry allows our projects to produce a variety of commodities that communities can use for food security, medicine, household needs and economic development. We use a certified organic fertilizer to increase crop yields while avoiding any chemical products. The commodities produced are organic, high quality and highly nutritious as a result. The integration of commodities in our forestry projects helps us contribute to several SGDS, such as SDG 1 (No poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 5 (Gender Equality).

The following is a non exhaustive list of commodities produced in several of our projects.


Cacao trees are responsible for producing cocoa which is the primary ingredient in chocolate. These trees are uniquely suited for agroforestry systems because they can be mixed with a variety of other tree species while enriching the quality of the soil and without impacting their growth. Cacao trees also respond well to our organic fertilizer and actually grow bigger in size and richer in flavor. Cacao trees are also well suited for carbon offsetting projects because they are an excellent absorber of CO2. Communities can use cacao for household consumption and particularly for international trade, as the global demand for quality cacao is expected to continue increasing for many years to come. We work with women cacao producers to strengthen their entrepreneurial and trade skills and success, particularly those from single-mother headed households. We also empower indigenous cooperatives in other projects to bring their cacao to local and international markets.


Coconut palm trees are some of the most fascinating trees in the world because virtually every part of the tree can be put to some sustainable benefit. The trunk, leaves and flowers are used for household consumption by many cultures, whereas coconut water has great nutrition and health benefits. Coconuts themselves are highly nutritious, and coconut oils are used for dermatologic and medicinal purposes. Coconut trees are more demanding in terms of weather and sunlight conditions, but their productivity is significant in agroforestry systems. Improvements in soil quality, water retention capacity, and yield increases, are all benefits that have been noted when integrating coconut palm trees in agroforestry. We empower communities to regain or expand their traditional knowledge of organic coconut tree usage, use it for nutrition and medicinal purposes, as well as take advantage of market and trade opportunities.


Soursop is a tropical fruit that is considered a superfood for its high nutrients and numerous health benefits. It is an excellent source of fiber, filled with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps with gastric and intestinal problems and even with various forms of cancer. The soursop tree is also a good absorber of CO2 and can easily be included in agroforestry systems as it interacts well in a multi-crop production. The tree also serves to provide shade to other plants and food crops. The soursop tree also interacts well with soil nutrients and serves to reverse soil degradation, which makes plantations more resistant to flooding and landslides. 


Teak is a tree species with a high oil content making it very weather resistant, therefore it offers good elasticity and can provide communities with shade and protect them from flooding. It is also an ideal timber for furniture, boat decks, and other household items. Another great benefit of Teak is that it has a high resistance against insect infestation. Because of its durability and pest and water resistance, Teak is an ideal species to be integrated in agroforestry since it provides protection to other trees and plantations. This tree is also a great absorber of carbon, and its long growth process results in lots of carbon being absorbed quickly and for over a decade, until the tree reaches full maturity. Sustinere works with landowners and communities to practice sustainable harvesting of teak, refraining from cutting down the tree and rather using coppicing in a sustainable fashion and to allow the tree to survive and rejuvenate quickly.

Medicinal Plants

Many medicinal plants can serve to strengthen community health resilience and additionally have commercial and trade value. Some that are preferred by the communities we work with are lemongrass, eucalyptus and plantain. Medicinal plants are well suited for agroforestry practices because they benefit from the shade provided by other trees and can also be mixed with food crops. These plants benefit from the richness of the soil in agroforestry systems and organic production with a high quality fertilizer. These plants provide communities with medicine in locations that are sometimes remote and cut off from pharmacies and hospitals. Sustinere also helps communities commercialize these plants as raw inputs for pharmaceutical, phytochemical, food flavoring and cosmetic industries.